Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun with Kindergarten Homework

Firecracker is LOVING kindergarten.  She came home with her first homework on's her assignments for the whole next week and due next Friday.  One of the assignments was to look around your house for circles.  They just needed it signed off by a parent, but we decided to make it a bit more fun and document it with the camera.  She LOVED getting to have walk all over the place and take pictures of whatever she wanted to. 
She took all of the pictures, except for the one of her eye and the lens cap.  She cropped a few of the pictures, and I helped her with the rest.  Then we put them into a collage together and she rearranged the pics until she was happy with them.  We'll email it to her teacher.

If you want to spend a really fun hour with you kid, give them a camera and see what they find.

I'm linking to:
abc button


  1. Whoa - this kindergarten teacher is going to be seriously impressed. How do you make the collage like that? Is it a Photoshop thing?

    1. Picasa has it, if you download their free software. If you'd prefer a free online way to do it, is awesome.

  2. Think it is fair to say she knows her circles. Good job.
    I am back to school today yippee !!!!!
    actually it is ok I enjoy it

  3. Great idea! We did something similar with finding A-Z objects. So much fun - for me and her!

  4. You inspired my 12 yo to do this, too:
    Thank the Lord for digital cameras! One of the best inventions for a kid! (film = $$$$)

  5. A lovely idea! I bet the teacher was impressed :)


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